Contact Us

To contact the Central Pennsylvania Teamsters Pension Fund, call (800) 331-0420 and be ready to identify yourself and the benefits plan you are asking about. Representatives are available Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, excluding holidays.

The mailing address is:
Central Pennsylvania Teamsters Pension Fund
P.O. Box 15223
Reading, PA 19612-5223

Phone: 610-320-5500
TOLL FREE IN PA: 1-800-343-0136
TOLL FREE IN USA: 1-800-331-0420
FAX: 610-320-9239

Or, you may use the form below to send a message to the Central Pennsylvania Teamsters Pension Fund. Information can only be requested about yourself and/or your covered dependents. You cannot request information about another person.


Preferred Response Method:
(This contact information will be used to respond to this question and will not update the contact information permanently on file with your web account.)